Exeter Doughnut Economics Gathering – Event summary
On 21st & 22nd May the Exeter Doughnut team held the first ever Doughnut Economics Gathering! We had workshops hosted by the Doughnut Economics Action Lab (DEAL) team; a talk on how the Doughnut can help us achieve our climate goals; two interactive sessions on what it means to live a good life within the Doughnut (write up on this coming soon); A Doughnut Disco!; a keynote by Kate Raworth (see below); and finally a panel discussion on the Doughnut, anchor institutions and power dynamics.
The slides/media from from various workshops are available here: Peter Lefort’s Tipping Points; Rob Shorter’s Communities’ Possibilities and Patterns cards and examples of Doughnut Economics projects from around the world.
We hope that everyone came away feeling inspired and energised, with more ideas on how humanity can thrive, whilst respecting needs of the natural world.
If you’re in or around Exeter and would like to join the Exeter Doughnut team, do drop us a line! hello@exeterdoughnut.org
Huge thanks must go to:
- Kate, Rob and Leonora from DEAL who co-created and co-hosted the 2 days of the gathering with the Exeter Doughnut team.
- The Global Systems Institute at the University of Exeter who kindly provided funding.
- Everyone who joined us and shared their ideas and energy, especially those who travelled from the other end of the country!
- Paul Maple of Global Documentary who put together the video at the top of the page
Below are a few photos from the event. Here’s to the next one!